Gospel Temple Missionary Baptist Church Pastoral Legacy


The history of the Gospel Temple Baptist Church is the story of an undivided fellowship, a faithful fellowship, destined to change and grow to accommodate a North Memphis community’s needs for organized religion. In 1904, a group of Christian men and women, under the guidance of Rev. William Davis, met as a Sunday School in a home on the Belt Line and organized the group into a church. The church was called Gospel Temple Baptist Church since it grew out of an organization set up to teach the Bible. The church was growing and preparing for a change in leadership after Rev. Davis was called to pastor a church in Oklahoma.

Rev. Fred Thomas was the first elected Pastor. At that point, the church was located at 661 Maple, presently called Wells Avenue. In 1912, Rev. Thomas resigned and Rev. Bolton was chosen to carry on the services.

Rev. L. A. Kemp was called to the pastorate and served from January 1913 to 1947.

The church’s cornerstone was laid on the third Sunday in July, 1916. Also, under his leadership, a platform was built and used for the graduation exercises of Manassas High School. Rev. Kemp’s tenure would be incomplete without acknowledging the invaluable services of Rev. Robert Culp, who served as Assistant Pastor. Rev. L. E. Bingham, Rev. Melvin Tate, and Rev. Walter Thomas who served as pastoral aides. Rev. Kemp became Pastor Emeritus until his death.

Rev. Charles T. Epps served as pastor from January 1948 until December 1961. Under his leadership the rooms in the back of the sanctuary were added, and the pulpit and choir stand were relocated. Air conditioning was installed and the baptistery was moved from the basement to the front of the sanctuary. He also organized the Board of Christian Education and the Deborah Circle to enhance the already established Missionary Society. Rev. Epps resigned after the unfortunate death of his father to pastor his father’s church in New Jersey.

Upon Pastor Epp’s resignation, Rev. Nearer Daniel Swannigan was chosen to conduct the services. He served until August 1962 and was later appointed Assistant Pastor.

Rev. Neasbie Alston served as pastor from 1962 – 2007. He will long be remembered by the members of our church and the surrounding community. His administration was characterized by an extensive remodeling program. A fellowship hall, including a new kitchen and a paved, fenced parking lot were added. Sunday morning sermons were recorded and aired on Radio Station WLOK. The sick and shut-in and the radio audience could hear spiritual messages from the Lord.

On November 18, 2007, the church formally received Rev. Gary DeBose, associate minister at the Mt. Moriah Baptist Church-Wellington, as the interim pastor. He served until 2009.

Rev. Katral Rainey preached his first sermon as the sith pastor of Gospel Temple on March 8, 2009. His tenure reflected the church’s interest in the community and support of student schuss, especially in the church’s adopted school, Manassas High School. In May 2012, Gospel Temple initiated and hosted the annual Baccalaureate Services for the graduating class of Manassas High School. Pastor Rainey served until November 2016.

Rev. Charles Lee Ewing II preached his first sermon at Gospel Temple Missionary Baptist Church on September 3, 2017. Rev. Ewing was installed as the seventh pastor of the Gospel Temple Missionary Baptist Church on Sunday, October 29, 2017. The congregation looks forward to the future and to the unfolding of the vision the Lord has set forth through him. The congregation looks forward to the future and to the unfolding of the vision the Lord has set forth through him.