Children and Youth Ministry
Children and Youth are the future of Gospel Temple M.B. Church. The emphasis placed upon the ministry can be seen on Sunday mornings, shown by all members, and deemed vital to our church. We have been blessed with many active children and youth who are very motivated about growing in and expressing their faith in Jesus Christ.
The Children and Youth Ministry is comprised of the following sub-ministries: The Praise Team ministry, Children and Youth Music Ministry, ACT ministry, and Children’s Church/Fellowship Ministry.
The present leaders of the Youth Ministry are Ebony Hall and Yurlanda Ewing. Ashley Swannigan serves as the Praise Team Leader. Veronica Swannigan serves as Sunday School Superintendent and Louise Carney serves as the ACT ministry leader. Additional Members serve in the ministry as needed.
Our mission is to foster and develop a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. By Providing sound teachings of Jesus Christ through faith based teachings and guidance.
The Purpose of the Children and Youth Ministry is to strive to draw our children and youth to responsible participation in church, communities and in life, through missions and outreach to foster personal and spiritual growth. Equipping our youth with knowledge and skills to nurture positive values to help them apply faith to daily life experiences.
Current activities include opportunities to attend weekly Sunday School, 1ST Saturday Youth Fellowship, Monthly ACT ministry sessions, and monthly activities deemed age appropriate for the children and youth of Gospel Temple. We also encourage community stakeholders, leaders, children and families to participate in all open activities.

Planning /Organization Month
Black History Month
Theme: Hey, Black Child!
Emotional Wellness/Parent Meeting Workshop
12 noon
Topic: Spiritual Wellness
The “RELAUNCH” of Children and Youth Church/Fellowship
Children and Youth “Spring Break” Fellowship
March 10, 2018
Bass Pro -Male Volunteers Needed
11:30 am
Lunch will be discussed and determined by 2/25/18
Flower Ink Pen Fundraiser
VBS planning and training
Easter Egg Hunt/Fellowship
March 31,2018 2:00pm
Easter Program
April 1, 2018
Parent Meeting:
February 10. 2018 12 noon
Children and Youth Carwash Fellowship
May 5, 2018 & May 19, 2018
Adult Volunteers Needed
Emotional Wellness/Parent Meeting Workshop
12 noon
Topic: Emotional/Environmental Wellness
Emotional Wellness Workshop
June 9, 2018 12 noon
TN BME Youth Encampment for those 10-18
June 25-29,2018
Note: Chaperones needed for the entire week.
July 9-12, 2018 9:00am-1:00pm
Volunteers Needed
Children and Youth Fellowship outing
July 13, 2018 TBA
Children and Youth Day
1st Day of School!
August 6, 2018
Sleep over Jehovah
Active Members of the ministry will partake in a structured sleepover.
August 24, 2018
Additional information to be discussed.
Career Expo
Emotional Wellness Workshop
Topic: Physical Wellness
Fall Festival/ Trunk or Treat
October 27,2018
Time: TBA
Community Service Project
Community Service Project
Preparation for Christmas Program
Projected Practice Days: Wednesdays during Bible Study
December outing
Emotional Wellness Workshop
Topic: Financial Wellness
Christmas Program
December 23,2018 9:15 a.m.
Planning /Organization Meetings will take place.
Dates and Times TBA